Chinese Benevolent Association
Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival 2021
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Year 2018
The Edmonton Chinese Community welcomes all Edmontonians to join us in our celebration of Multiculturalism under the Mid-Autumn Moon
In view of Alberta Health regulations re covid-19, the traditional free 7th annual outdoor event to celebrate the mid-autumn lantern festival will now transform into a virtual 3-Day multicultural event with mid-autumn moon focused activities.
This virtual show will be catered to all, specifically to seniors centers, elementary, junior, and senior high students during the weekdays for approximately 2 to 3 hours with workshops, talks and demonstrations on arts and crafts and ending with a multicultural concert of diverse cultural performance on Friday evening September 25, 2020.
Various social media platforms will be used to conduct virtual workshops, talks, and demonstrations. More information will be provided as we draw closer to September 17, 2020
The multicultural concert on September 25 will start from 6:45 pm to 9:30 pm. Just relax in the comfort of your home or wherever and enjoy the various multicultural performances upon connection to the various social media platform.
More details of the performances will be made available soon.
Year 2017
Year 2015
Coming soon
For more information, please contact the Chinese Benevolent Association of Edmonton:
Tel: 780-429-1914
埃德蒙頓市華人社區在好幾次因天氣不得不改期之下, 終於在九月廿二日星期六, 唐人街中華文化中心慶祝中秋節。這是第一次在室內舉行慶祝中秋的活動。
當日上午九時,五十多個志願者已經在文化中心內開始了他們的工作。他們建舞台,排桌椅, 掛起橫幅,掛指示牌, 也掛上作為主角的不同的形状,大小和顏色的百多個燈籠; 集中掛在一個角落中的室內帳篷。不同顏色和不同形狀富有色彩的燈籠, 增加添節日浪漫的氣氛。
下午一時, 在體育館主會場內,各種出色的表演節目正式開始。銷售攤子有品茶, 補身藥品和食物, 珠寶, 手工藝,玩具, 絲綢畫; 推廣各項服務的攤位有中華文化中心書館, 糖尿病協會, 天主教社會服務, 埃德蒙頓孔子学院, Culligan水站等, 一切都準備就緒。也在邊廳中, 展開活動如燈籠製作、麵團藝術、剪紙、携中国結、面塑、抖空竹、書法、中國象棋、猜燈謎、講故事,等等, 老幼中青, 各適其適。慶祝中秋當然不能缺少月餅。大會早已預備了迷你月餅贈送給長者, 亦接受捐款捐贈給埃德蒙頓食物庫。圓圓的月餅包含著一家團聚的意義。
這次慶祝活動的成功, 不僅要感謝多名來自各階層的熱心義務工作者, 所有表演團體, 大會司儀 – Adrienne Lamb, 劉南燕,以及所有由聯邦政府- 艾蒙頓國會議員索希Minister Amarjeet Sohi, 省政府- 阿爾伯達省政府運輸部長Minister Brian Mason, 市政府- Councillor Tony Caterina,和MP Kelly McCauley, MP Kerry Diotte, MLA Thomas Dang and MLA David Shepherd, 及埃德蒙頓公立學校派出觀禮的代表外; 並要感謝各贊助商的大力支持。
晚上八時左右, 活動的壓軸就開始了, 獅子帶領著人群環繞中華文化中心會場遊行一週。大家排隊拿著由LED裝飾點亮的小船,把小船掛在預先停在旁邊停車場的巨大龍舟旁邊。點點光源,有若天上閃爍的星星,在濃厚中秋節氣氛中, 默默地給大家送上無限的祝福。